Why Purpose Is Important on Digital Platforms

You’ve heard us talk a lot about it, but it is crucial to identify your purpose on digital platforms. If you don’t- if you post just to cross it off your to-do list- your digital efforts will be of little effectiveness. BUT- if you take the time to clarify your purpose statement for social media, your website, and other digital platforms, they can be powerful tools in reaching people. In this blog, we’ll talk about what a purpose statement is, why it will make your digital efforts more effective, and how it will set you apart.

Why A Purpose Statement Is Important

A purpose statement is a single statement that defines the reason your organization is using digital platforms. At first thought, you might think something like, “To reach as many people as possible.” The problem with this is the sheer amount of clutter and noise online and on social media. The only way to reach people in a meaningful way is to be a source of something they need. The goal has to be bigger than vanity metrics like reactions, comments, and shares: you can get those with cat memes. Don’t get us wrong- if your purpose is to educate people on cats’ personalities, memes are the perfect way to go!

Once you’re clear on your purpose statement, you’ll use it as a filter to run content ideas through, guide how to respond to people on social media, and as a blueprint to streamline your team’s thought process and research for content ideas and what you do on digital.

The Difference Between Mission & Purpose

Your mission is why your organization exists and what you hope to achieve, and a purpose statement is how you will accomplish that mission specifically. So while your mission might be “to end human trafficking,” your purpose across digital could be “to raise awareness of the issue of human trafficking and engage people in conversations that will lead to action.”

When Purpose Meets Passion

Have you seen (or experienced) how burned out or frustrated people can get doing digital daily without purpose? We certainly have, and it’s an unnecessary stress when you realize you can put a plan in place that makes a digital director’s job much more streamlined. When your team members have a clear purpose, it ignites their passion, and they have direction and clarity, which opens up their creativity.

Purpose & Connection Sets You Apart

Brainstorm with your team, and think about how you can reach and serve the people you’re here to help. We all have different goals and purposes on digital, and when you lose sight of your purpose, you risk being lost in the digital noise. When you make digital personal for your audience, you’ll create relationships with them and build a community with followers. Your purpose and the connections you nurture will be more important in the new digital age.

Reach out to Killer Bee Marketing if you’d like our team to perform an audit on your digital presence to be sure your messaging aligns with your purpose across digital. Don’t waste any more money or resources delivering confusion on digital.

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