woman talking on mic with soundboard

Why Do We Show Up As Christian Broadcasters?

Digital noise is louder than ever, and if we’re not careful we Christian broadcasters could find ourselves adding to that noise. That’s why this question is crucial to talk about: “Why do we show up?” Are we showing up to be seen or to make a difference in people’s lives?

As a digital coach and consultant, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of pressing pausing to reflect on our why. I created a process called the “ART Framework,” which helps us make better decisions through Awareness, Reflection, and Transformation. The first step, Awareness, is all about pausing to ask deeper questions. Sometimes those questions aren’t easy to hear or ask. I know because I’ve had to face some myself, including this one. But until we ask them, we can’t move to the reflection or transformation stage.

Why Do We Show Up?

This question has recently taken center stage at Killer Bee, causing us to review our objectives, messaging, the digital platforms we leverage, and the direction we’re going. I find myself asking more questions like, “Is social media the most effective approach for us? Are we social media influencers, or guides? Are there better tools to help us connect with the right people?” I’m not the only one asking these type of question either.

During my time of reflection, on this particular “why” question, reminded me of something that’s easy to forget in the day to day grind.

The drive to be visible must never overshadow our purpose.

This led to internal changes for us, (which have not all been immediately understood) underscoring a vital leadership lesson, “at the end of the day, we are responsible for the direction of the company, and not everyone may agree with the decision we make.” As leaders, we’re responsible for navigating these shifts, ensuring that everyone involved understands the reason behind our actions and feels empowered to take ownership of what they do and why they do it.

Leading with Your Why

Staying true to your purpose is what differentiates meaningful and impactful content from mere noise. Below are some ways to keep your purpose at the forefront of your station, your team, and the content you share with the world:

  1. Regular Reflection Sessions: Incorporate moments of pause into your routine and team meetings to reflect on your actions and decisions. Ask, “How does this align with our ‘why’?” but be sure this is a safe place. If it isn’t, your team may avoid honest discussions. 
  2. Purpose Statement Review: Revisit your purpose statement regularly. Is your current strategy really in line with your mission? If you spot any differences, press pause to make some adjustments. After all, your purpose statement should be the filter you use to guide everything you do.
  3. Empower Through Understanding: Educate and empower your team members by sharing the vision and importance of your why. When members internalize this purpose, their work transforms from routine tasks to meaningful contributions. Encourage team members to create personal purpose statements tied to their roles within the organization. Engage in discussions to see how these statements align with the overall mission. 
  4. Digital Strategy Alignment: Evaluate your digital platforms and messaging through the lens of your purpose statement. If you catch yourself doing things to be seen or to increase your vanity metrics, hit pause. Reflect on the reasons behind your decision and consider the adjustments needed. Ensure you and your team are driven by the deeper purpose. The risk of stepping away from your “why” as a Christian Broadcaster is too high.

A Personal Journey of Purpose & Leadership

In revisiting Killer Bee’s purpose statement and aligning our digital strategy accordingly, I was reminded of the weight of leadership. Sometimes, it’s about making tough decisions, encouraging and modeling ongoing reflection, and setting the right example.

This journey has taught and continues to teach me that leadership in purpose-driven organizations, like the Christian broadcasting industry, is about more than just guiding teams. It’s about inspiring members to ask themselves, “Why do I show up?” and ensuring the answer aligns with our unique purpose. For Killer Bee, it’s about empowering teams to be more effective with every digital interaction.The ultimate goal is to transform more lives by guiding them towards Jesus.

It Sounds Simple…

Embrace the challenge of staying aligned with your “why” – it sounds simple, but it’s not always easy! Lead with purpose, empower your teams, and together, we can change more lives through each digital interaction.

It’s not about showing up to be seen; it’s about “why” you show up that matters most.

Let’s strive to make our presence deeply impactful and driven by purpose.

Originally posted on HisAir.net

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