Trust Your Digital Team

Nowadays, digital marketing seems to be a catch-all for an enormous variety of complex skills and tasks. It’s no wonder that digital teams are feeling the pressure. If you’re feeling stressed out about your strategy, take a deep breath. There are plenty of reasons to trust your digital team. You won’t find immediate fame after one month of paid advertising. We can’t let our focus on digital success be determined by things we can’t control.

If you’re a Radio Manager or Digital Marketing Director at a radio station that’s feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone. The landscape of digital strategy is constantly changing. Even top marketers struggle to stay on top of all the changes to algorithms and best practices.

Amidst all the noise of new platforms and fancy tools, here’s why it’s A-OK (and preferable) to trust your digital team.

Digital Marketing Changes Are Constantly Evolving…

Everybody who works in digital marketing knows that change is constant. Not only are there new platforms and new algorithms springing up every day, but our old familiar platforms release new interfaces without any warning. In addition to changes in technology, our culture changes rapidly. Content or consumption models that worked last year might not be a good fit for this year’s consumers.

We’re all doing the best we can to stay on top of changes to the digital industry. Keep in mind that following the trends is not necessarily a recipe for brand success. Your digital team may not be pivoting to a fancy new software, but that doesn’t mean they’re not paying attention. Sometimes it’s wiser to keep an eye on changes while ensuring that your audience still receives consistent, reliable content.

…and Success Is a Moving Target

Digital marketers know that success is a moving target. Because of these constant changes, your team knows that flexibility is part of the job description. They’re accustomed to pivoting plans at the last minute. They know they need to test ideas and be prepared to change course if something isn’t working.

When something isn’t working, don’t take it as a sign that you’ve failed. Take it as a sign that your team is doing what they should be doing: testing and learning. Success is a moving target, and as long as your team keeps their eyes on the ball, you’re doing just fine.

Trust that Your Digital Marketers Have the Skills to Adapt

It’s important to place trust in your digital team. Allow them the independence to seek out new solutions and try new things. Don’t be the bottleneck that stops innovations that could grow your business. 

Encourage your digital team with support, both emotional and practical. Let them know that you expect adaptation. No one will be penalized for failing to turn up immediate results. Try changing your requests and asking them to share one lesson they learned. By framing failures as learning opportunities, and highlighting growth over success, you might see a huge turnaround in the mood of your digital team.

Success Takes Time

Remember, success takes time. Expertise is hard-earned, and it comes with a trail of mistakes in its wake. If you’re placing the burden of instant success on your digital marketing team, they will be stressed and fearful. This is a recipe for failure. Stressed people don’t take risks, but you need your digital team to think about the long game. You need them to build an enduring strategy that will grow your station’s brand now and into the future. 

Remember Work-Life Balance

Finally, work-life balance is important. The pandemic has emphasized the need for employees to prioritize work-life balance, more than ever before.

People are more productive and more creative when they feel rested.

Make sure you’re leading by example when it comes to well-being. Anxious people have trouble trusting themselves, and they also have trouble trusting others. 

If you’re having trouble trusting your digital team, it might be the right time to regain some perspective on your radio station. What are your long-term goals? Who are the people you’ve surrounded yourself with? Some people work better under pressure, but nobody works well under stress and overwhelm. Give your digital team the support they need and good things will come. 

Share this with your digital crew and let them know that they have your trust. Reach out to Killer Bee Marketing if your digital team needs a little extra support. You’ve got this! We’re here to help you and your digital team.

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