Woman with hands on head frustrated with technology

The Many Challenges of Social Media Marketing 

Social media changes daily, yes daily! It can be quite overwhelming for Social Media marketers, especially when they are getting pressure from a variety of departments and people in their company to be on top of so many different things. We feel your pain and understand what you’re going through. The good news is, you’re not alone. I wanted to share some of the many challenges that we hear people are facing in Social Media Marketing and some tips to help you through! 

Problem #1 – Creating outstanding content on a consistent basis

This can feel quite overwhelming and sometimes paralyzing when you’re tapped out and it’s hard to get the creative juices flowing. There are a couple of things that you can do to help with this. If you’re not using one already make sure you have a proper content calendar created. When you can look at content a month ahead of time, this allows you to see what’s coming up and allows you to batch create content. 

Go back and repurpose your evergreen content. Look at the content that has been doing well and reshare it. You can make some adjustments on the copy if you’d like but keep in mind that you have new followers that may not have seen that content. 

Use user generated content (UGC). Have your followers that know and love you create the content and just tag them and reshare it. This also makes them really excited and incentivizes them to do more and gets you in front of their family and friends.

Problem #2 – The Algorithm is always changing 

The algorithm is constantly changing and no one is holding up a giant sign to let you know about it. You’ll start to notice your organic reach isn’t what it once was. A good way to fight the constant change of the algorithm is to have a good variety of content. 

Static images, carousels, short from videos, longer videos, lives. When you have a more diverse arsenal of content, it gives you a better idea of what type of content that your audience likes. Or if you happen to hear that the algorithm is favoring a particular type of content now you’ll already be ahead of the game because you have already been creating that type of content. 

Problem #3 – Engagement 

Engagement can pose two problems, one problem being not getting any engagement and the other one being having too much engagement you can’t keep up with it. If you’re struggling with getting engagement on your posts, it might sound silly but make sure you are actually asking for it. Ask questions, use polls, use story stickers, really make it easy and clear that you want a response from your followers. 

If you’re on the other end of the spectrum where you can’t keep up with your engagement. Being strategic about it is going to be more important than ever. Create a list of some canned responses that you can easily access and use. Look around at your entire team and see if there is anyone that you trust that can be some additional help. Schedule time on your calendar like a meeting that you can’t cancel to just take time to engage with your community. 


If you’re at the point where you can’t even fathom putting any of these tips into practice. That’s okay! That’s what we’re here for. You can set up an on-demand consulting service if you or your team is looking for some help coming up with ideas on using trends, or sign up for our email below. We’ll keep up with the latest social media trends so you don’t have to!

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