woman holding sign message must remain

The Importance Behind Our Message – Christian Broadcasters

People are hurting, struggling, and dealing with hardships every day. Some are ready to give up, while others may turn to different resources to escape their life situations. This is something I’ve been thinking about lately: as Christian broadcasters, we have the honor and responsibility to guide people into the arms of Jesus by sharing His love with them through the message we share. 

When people are facing loneliness or anxiety, they can sometimes feel like God has abandoned them or that He doesn’t exist. With more people working remotely and using delivery services that cause them to be in their car less, how can Christian broadcasters continue to connect with hurting people when the radio is off? The answer is digital.

Digital: It’s More Than Vanity Metrics

The first step for Christian broadcasters to serve people on digital is to acknowledge that what you do on digital has to be more than digital…meaning that your approach cannot be about chasing vanity metrics. Vanity numbers do not serve the people who are hurting…they serve our ego. Higher numbers on digital do not equate to more impact, necessarily. They can contribute to how many people see your post, which is important, but not at the risk of losing your message or building the wrong audience.

If you’re chasing vanity metrics, stop it. Focus on serving people by looking at how you can use these digital platforms to guide them. I’m a huge fan of Donald Miller, who explains that a guide is someone who helps someone find the way. That sounds like a Christian broadcaster at our best. We should aim to guide hurting people to the Way (Jesus). But if our primary focus is how many likes, shares, or views we get, we’ve missed the mark. Vanity metrics doesn’t serve people, and it certainly isn’t guiding them to Jesus, who can do a lot more for them than we ever could.

When you add value to someone’s life you’ll become a guide and they’re more likely to tell their friends and family about how you helped them. Just look at how Jesus walked. He met people where they were, met their needs, and showed them how much God loves them right where they are. In return, people told people in their lives about Jesus. They became the guides pointing people towards Jesus.

Below I’ll share three ways you can serve people across digital platforms.

3 Ways To Serve People On Digital

1. Serve your audience

Remember that what you do on digital isn’t about you or your organization. It’s about your audience. Do some research to discover what issues people are searching on Google, then connect with them where they are, and serve them.

Here’s an example. Let’s say your goal is to provide joy to people. Ask yourself, who needs joy? Angry people. You could do some relative topic research to get a better idea of what people are searching for on Google and create a topic campaign to help these people find joy on digital. After pulling a brief report, we found 25 relevant topics people are searching for online. Here are two of those topics.

  • Why anger is bad for your health.
  • Where anger comes from.

Both topics came back with low competition and an average of 40-70 searches per month. That might appear to be a low number, but don’t get caught up on that. If you aim for too high of search traffic, you risk getting lost in all the higher-rated content on the internet.

You can now create a content marketing plan that serves people. You could also get more in depth input about the issues that individuals in your area are facing by liaising with the local churches, counselors or police authorities.

2. Build Community

Facebook groups are a great way to serve people and build a community. You don’t have to post every day either! Let your community do the talking. Allow your group members the opportunity to build relationships where they can connect and share stories and connect with Christians who are experiencing or have experienced similar situations. By doing this, not only are you serving people but building meaningful relationships that bring people together and help them realize they’re not alone.

3. Be present

Being present is an important component of serving people. People are typically don’t get excited about speaking with someone who never listens. If someone asks a question or leaves a comment, respond with an encouraging message or deeper question. Remember to lead them towards what Jesus teaches. It’s possible that just responding with a Bible verse may come off as harsh or uncaring. Suppose you’re writing a blog that supports your message and addresses audience issues. In that case, you may provide a link to an article for them to read on their own time without feeling called out in a social media post. Being present demonstrates that you care about what they’re facing and what they have to say.

The Message Of Jesus

The message of Jesus is the most crucial piece behind what we do as Christian broadcasters. Remember, the message is not about you; it’s about Jesus and the changes He can make in someone’s life. It’s an honor that God invites us to be part of this mission. Share our own God experiences and always guide people to Jesus. That’s why we say what we do on digital, it’s more than digital. It’s a mission.

Thank You Christian Broadcasters

I hope you’ve found this post informative and thought-provoking. At the end of the day, our message is about Jesus Christ–whose love can serve as a light in dark times for those who are hurting or searching for hope. That’s why we love serving alongside Christian broadcasters. The digital world has given us new opportunities to carry out His ministry. Let’s connect if you are looking for someone who can help your organization approach digital platforms from this perspective! Check out our services.

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