Social Media Ideas For Radio in 2020

It’s a new year, which means it’s an excellent time to take a step back to reflect on the social media platforms we’ve been using for radio, how we’re using them, and discuss some of the new platforms that are coming out, like TikTok.

Hear the full episode on the “Rethink Radio Podcast” by clicking play below.


Facebook Ideas

Most of us probably have a Facebook page for our station. There are over 1 billion people on Facebook. Unfortunately, over the last couple years, Facebook has made a few changes. And most of us will never forget the algorithm changes. Those changes have made it a challenge for us to reach more people organically. So your 2020 strategy should include paid ads on Facebook. We’re not going to get into the ad development in this article. But if you are looking for some tips on creating better FB ads, you can read our past article on “How To Write Better FB Ads.”

Going Deep, Not Wide

What I want to talk about today is building better and deeper relationships with your listeners on Facebook in 2020. Yes, we can continue to create content to get more likes and shares, but does that take us deeper with our listeners (followers)? I would have to say, likely not. Let me share a short story with you that helped me recognize the disconnect.

My son is a car fanatic. We were driving through town, and someone pulled up next to us in a corvette. It was a beautiful c6 Corvette (whatever that means), and my son gave him a thumbs up. It was an AMAZING day. Who would’ve ever thought that day, pulling away from that street light, we would connect so deeply with Mr.c6 Corvette man…ok, not really. So why would we expect that on social media?

Let’s face it, a like or share on social media isn’t that memorable. People tend to build deeper relationships with people when they communicate with one another. It’s the same on social media. You can build deeper relationships with your listeners when you have conversations with them. When you comment back to their comments.

For 2020 I would suggest spending more time responding to your listeners. Don’t just click like or write thanks. Try responding to their comment with a question. A question can lead to a deeper conversation because a question needs a response. Plus, Facebook loves that because they’re looking for quality content, with more engagement.

More Facebook ideas available on episode 3 of the Rethink Radio Podcast.

Instagram Ideas

Instagram is another platform that is continuing to grow. People on this platform love music and fashion, so IG could be a great platform to highlight the music you’re playing on your radio station. I’m not against the inspirational and the encouraging quotes (keep those coming), but mix in more of those artists’ stories. My good buddy Josh Lauritch’s, from 55 Promotion, mission is to tell the song’s story to radio stations. I love that because we all relate to stories. So will your listeners. Try sharing some of those song’s stories on Instagram in 2020. See how your audience responds.

You could also use Instagram to get feedback on new music your station is playing that week. Hear more about this idea on episode 3 of the Rethink Radio Podcast.

LinkedIn Ideas

LinkedIn is becoming known as the go-to social media platform for businesses. Now you might be thinking LinkedIn won’t help you reach more listeners…But if your station has a sales team that sells advertisements to businesses, then this is an excellent platform for you to be using.

Companies are all about getting more customers. So if you have a sales team that sells advertising spots to companies, they need to be on this platform. They could become a radio advertising expert on LinkedIn by sharing facts about advertising on radio. How radio advertising could help build their company’s local brand awareness, and drive new customers.

More LinkedIn tips available on episode 3 of the Rethink Radio Podcast.

Twitter & TikTok Ideas

Listen to EP3 on the “Rethink Radio Podcast” to hear how radio could utilize Twitter and TikTok in 2020.

These are just a few social media ideas for 2020, and we hope they’ve inspired you to think outside the box this year. Don’t be afraid to try something new with your social media strategy. The only way your station will stand out among the crowd is to be uniquely you.

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