Social Media Growth & Goal Calculators

1) The Percentage Growth Calculator

The Percentage Growth Calculator is pretty straightforward. Use it to determine your 30, 60, and 90-day growth goals based on the monthly percentage you would like to see.

For an example. Let's say you currently have 20,000 followers. Your goal is to increase this number by 12% each month. You can enter your current followers count and the percentage you'd like to grow monthly. The calculator will give you the 30, 60 and 90-day growth goals to aim for.

  • Current Followers: 12,000
  • Target Growth Percentage: 12%
  • 30-Day Target: Approximately 22,400 followers
  • 60-Day Target: Approximately 25,088 followers
  • 90-Day Target: 28,099 followers

Percentage Growth Calculator

2) The 90-Day Target Calculator

For those of you who would prefer to set numeric targets, try the 90-Day Target Calculator. Whether you're interested in increasing reach, followers, engagement, or other metrics. Enter your current metrics into the Current Data field and the desired target goal in the Set 90-Day Goal field. The calculator will show you what your targets are at 30, 60, or 90-days.

90-Day Goal Calculator

Setting goals across social media can be intimidating, but it is an important part in using social media more effectively. Zig Ziglar says it best:

If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time. –Zig Ziglar

These calculators were designed to help you approach social media more effectively and give you something to aim for.