How To Write Better Facebook Ads (Part 1)

Are you frustrated ? with your Facebook advertising results? Is the way you’ve been constructing ads a little tired or no longer working like they once did? A good option could be to add long-form text-based sponsored posts to your advertising arsenal. In this two-part series, we will be exploring two ways to write fresh, informative ads for Facebook.

Experiments such as the one by AdEspresso are finding that well-written long-form posts are outperforming shorter ads. There are several reasons this could be the case. In 2018, Facebook announced the algorithm would favor ads that kept users engaged on Facebook. Another way to say it: if an ad causes users to click, comment and share, it will perform better. Another contributing factor is that people notice something different. When advertisers use the same format for long enough, it becomes easy to overlook or tune out ads. A fresh format or approach catches the user’s eye. If an ad begins with an attention-grabbing question or statement (especially one that identifies a problem the user is currently having), followed by the See More link, users will be drawn to read the rest.

Getting Started

In this blog, we will guide you through how to write a sponsored post from the problem/answer perspective. After you have targeted your specific audience, write specifically to them. Think of your Facebook ad like you would an in-person sales meeting. You don’t talk to a single person the same way you would speak in front of a group of people, do you? You can personalize how you write based on who you’re trying to target. Put yourself in your potential customer’s place. What problem are they having? How can your company help? Write the beginning of your post like you’re noticing a problem in someone, and you have the answer. For example:


Another way to start is by using a statement or question that addresses what the user aspires to. “Do you wish you could provide your family with a healthy, home-cooked meal every night? What if you could spend two hours and have a week of dinners ready each night when you get home?”

Make a List

After your attention-grabbing start, list several benefits the customer can expect when using your company. Use interesting icons to denote each benefit. The list should be positioned above the See More link to draw users further into your content. Make each bullet-point as concise as possible. Numbers draw attention, so this is an excellent place to write about any specials or sales. Including the end date of the deal can create urgency.

  1. Get a detailed plan to help you prep each meal with time-saving tips.
  2. Learn how to make your meals the most nutritious they can be.
  3. Actually, enjoy cooking with your family when it’s convenient for you.

Lay It All Out

At this point, your reader will be ready for all the details. Explain the features in more detail and address the questions your readers may have. By being up-front with possible objections, you will gain trust and demonstrate authority. Also, be transparent about the cost as much as possible. Requiring a quote or an email address to find the price will cause many people to ditch your ad and keep on scrolling.

Don’t overwhelm your readers with too much text at one time. Make use of lists and emojis, and of course, have fun! Customers appreciate hearing your voice and learning more about your company. Remember to use language that is clear and easy to understand- even for a 3rd grader. If you’re not confident in simplifying your writing, use a service like the Hemingway app to help you. Make very clear what you’re offering, how it will help the customer, and what they should do next.

Testing, Testing

Prepare more than one ad to run at once to test what will work. You can run two ads with the same image, but a different copy or you can try different photos on the same copy and see what people respond to best. Don’t be afraid to pull an ad or to make changes. Facebook makes it easy to test your ads by designating a small budget. If you aren’t getting the results you’d like, try something new. Experience is your friend! Happy writing! 

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