older man thinking
older man thinking

If We Only Had More: Trusting God’s Provision

Have you ever found yourself thinking, ‘If only we had more…’ More time, more money, more equipment, more people, more skills, or more space? These are some common barriers we come across when working with leaders and teams. We could drastically enhance our impact with just a little more of something. Unfortunately, the feeling of not having enough can prevent us from moving forward. It can be paralyzing. This causes us to hold back from taking action until we “feel” better equipped. I’ve experienced this myself and have wasted thousands of dollars buying more/better equipment. I don’t want to even think about the time and energy wasted chasing other mores in my journey. Even today. When I read my Bible, I knew this is something I should write about. But, I had no idea that I would be tested too. These scriptures can be applied both personally and professionally. I hope this article will help prevent others from making similar mistakes. As we begin, let me give you this thought.

What if the key to unlocking your digital impact is not acquiring more but optimizing and trusting what we already have?

Limited Resources & Multiplication

Today, I read the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 in John chapter six. Faced with a large hungry crowd and limited resources, the disciples saw scarcity. Philip questioned where could they even get enough food. Andrew noticed the small offering of loaves and fish from a young boy but doubted it was enough. Jesus, on the other hand, asked for what they had. He gave thanks and God multiplied it beyond anyone’s expectations. As I read this, I thought, “What if we saw what we have now, no matter how small it may seem, as enough when placed in God’s hands.”

Maybe you’re leading a radio station, church, or nonprofit, and you see what everyone else is doing. You tell yourself if only you had their budget, team, or technology then you could make a bigger impact. I want to encourage you that you have enough. You have the resources, talents, and skills to make a difference right where you are today. It’s about shifting our perspective from scarcity to abundance. Don’t focus on what you lack. Focus on what you do have. Trust God can multiply it in His timing.

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive for growth and improvement in our work. But we should be content with what we have now. I’ve been learning over the years that we don’t need the latest and greatest equipment. Or the biggest budget to make an impact. What matters most is your heart. Your dedication and your willingness to use what you have been given. Being good stewards of the people God has brought to you and the digital resources you use.

Don’t measure success by how much you do or don’t have. Measure it by how well you use what you’ve been given.

A Different Perspective

It’s interesting. Sometimes, it takes a different set of eyes to see the possibilities with our current resources. Andrew noticed the boy’s small offering, a different perspective from Phillip. Yes, Andrew doubted, but he still presented what they had. Then Jesus modeled the power of thankfulness. God provided the multiplication.

In our digital missions, inviting other viewpoints can help us recognize and utilize resources God has already blessed us with. I know this can be a sensitive area for both leaders and team members. But, being open to hearing and discussing other viewpoints can lead to a more effective approach across digital platforms. That’s an area I believe God has blessed our team with the ability to do. It’s not our goal to transform your approach. Our purpose is to empower your team to take ownership to make decisions confidently. Leading you to a more effective digital presence.

Don’t Cover Your Eyes

Focusing on what we don’t have can often blind us to what’s right in front of us. Overlooking the opportunities that we already possess. The disciples almost missed the miracle because they were too focused on the problem of what they didn’t have. Jesus uncovered their eyes to show them the power in trusting God with what they have today.

As we navigate the complexities of digital don’t get consumed with what you lack. Appreciate your current assets. Invite fresh perspectives, and be ready for God to multiply your efforts when the time is right.

This mindset shift isn’t just about being resourceful. It’s about being faithful. Step forward with what you have. Watch for God’s hand in your efforts. Oftentimes, “enough” is already in your hands, waiting to be used to impact “more” lives today.

If your team could use help evaluating the resources you have today, schedule an on-demand coaching session with one of our team members. Or check out our Digital Impact Workshops to learn how we can empower your church or nonprofit team to use digital more effectively.

🤖 This article is based on our own experiences, reflections and thoughts. AI was used to help research and gather additional data and insights.

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