Photo of Joel Smallbone, Luke Smallbone from for KING & Country and Michael W. Smith

Embracing the Emotional Rollercoaster as a Creative (Inspired by Joel Smallbone)

As creatives, dealing with the constant competition for attention can be overwhelming. How do we stay focused on what really matters- our calling and what God has planned for us? I recently had the privilege of joining a powerful Zoom conversation with for KING & COUNTRY, Michael W.Smith, and members of the Christian radio industry. The conversation started with discussions about the reimagining of the song “Place in This World” by Michael W.Smith, featuring Joel and Luke from for KING & COUNTRY. They talked about the significance of the song and its relevance today as people search for their place in this world. You can listen to the song below on Spotify.

My friend, Josh Lauritch, from 55 Promotion asked a deep meaningful question that really got the conversation going, which has inspired me to create this three-part blog series called “Creating With Purpose.”

Whether you’re an on-air personality, social media creator, writer, teacher, musician, or any other type of creator, I believe there are some nuggets from this conversation that will make a difference for anyone whose passion is to serve others through their creative talents.

The Question

Josh asked: “As creatives who are equally trying to find our literal place in this new world with all of the competition for attention, what’s your encouragement in terms of staying focused on your calling and what the Lord has for you?”

This question sparked some great responses from all three artists. Thoughts on how creators should embrace vulnerability, be sensitive to what’s right, and never forget who we are.

In this blog series, we’ll explore their responses, such as:

  • The Emotional Rollercoaster as a Creative (Joel Smallbone)
  • Be Sensitive to What Is Right (Luke Smallbone)
  • Don’t Forget Who We Are (Michael W. Smith)

I invite you to share this series with creators you know who might find it encouraging. Let’s not forget, we’re all on this journey together. There’s nothing better than uplifting and encouraging each other as we aim to impact more lives by guiding them to Jesus through these creative outlets.

Embracing the Emotional Rollercoaster as a Creative (Inspired by Joel Smallbone)

Let’s begin with Joel Smallbone’s reflection on the emotional journey that comes with being a creative. Joel spoke candidly about something all of us know well—the emotional highs and lows of life. Here’s what Joel said:

“We can’t just have the positive emotions and bypass the lows. We signed up for this, and it’s part of the journey.

Wow, there is so much packed into that statement. It’s so easy to focus on the highs. The times when our work is well-received… when the likes, comments, and shares pour in. But Joel reminds us that it’s just as important to acknowledge and embrace the lows. The moments when things don’t go as planned. When you feel drained or frustrated. Those moments are just as much a part of the creative process as the highs. Plus, those low moments can teach us a lot.

This morning during my reflection time I found a quote I jotted down back in 2021. I don’t recall who said it, but the note says Optimism is a learned behavior. What you look for is what you’ll see.” This is why it’s so important we stay mindful of what we’re focused on during low times. If we focus on complaining or on things that seem unfair, that’s what will fill our vision. However, if we look for the lessons and growth opportunities we’ll become stronger and more equipped to encourage others walking through similar struggles.

I admit it’s easier to try to avoid, dismiss, or hide those difficult feelings, but what if that changed? As creatives, embracing vulnerability and allowing ourselves to fully experience both the highs and the lows is what allows us to approach creative arts more effectively. Creating content that is truly authentic can lead to more meaningful connections, impact, and lives transformed.

Story of Equipping & Closing Thought

I leave you with this story- a friend of mine shared recently their struggles with finding purpose in their life. They feel like God wants them to step into a certain creative field but things keep going wrong. They’re concerned that God’s not equipping them so maybe it’s not where they’re supposed to be or maybe they heard God wrong. My response, “What if things going wrong is part of the equipping?” (I hope I’ll remember this myself the next time I’m in a low season.)

As we begin this three-part series, I encourage you to embrace the emotional rollercoaster that comes with being a creative. Don’t shy away from the lows- those moments are just as important as the highs. Some might say the lows are even more important. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Create from a place of truth, and trust that God is guiding you through every step of the journey.

No matter how difficult the creative process may seem, you are equipped with the strength and purpose that comes from God.

Stay tuned for the next post in this series, where we’ll dive into Luke Smallbone’s thoughts on being sensitive to what is right. And don’t forget to share this series with creators you know- we’re all in this together!

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