Brian Curee

The Risk Behind Building the Wrong Audience

Social media marketing is a lot more complex today than it was ten years ago. The risk behind building the wrong audience can have a negative effect on your radio station’s digital marketing efforts.


3 Digital Platforms Radio Stations Should Consider Investing In

One of our many tools for building a client’s digital strategy is marketing content through platforms that might seem less obvious. For most radio stations, you might not immediately think of putting your content on channels outside of your medium but…


7 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting With Digital Marketing

When you first get started with digital marketing, it can feel overwhelming. There’s a ton of fancy technology and everyone has an opinion about how to put it to work for your radio station. Before you make your plan, consider these 7 common digital marketing mistakes that you should avoid. When launching a marketing strategy…


How To Choose Better YouTube Titles

How do you choose a good title for ranking on YouTube? There is a plugin called Keywords Everywhere that will help you do just that!


Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable on Video: Brant Hansen Interview

Do you struggle with getting in front of the camera? Brant Hansen joins us to share some of the challenges he has faced getting in front of the camera.


Creating Videos For Radio

Learn how to start creating videos for radio. 3 tips to help you get on the way to making great content and reaching more people.