Social Content Tips from Joey Rotella (Tour Manager)

Welcome to part three of our Artist Content Series. Today, Joey Rotella, Tour Manager, shares his thoughts and expertise on how Christian radio can help provide their listeners with content about the artists, the music, and stories.

As mentioned in part one and part two, creating content based on the music has been something our team has been discussing for a while. Once we began asking why not, we’ve learned a big reason is a lack of knowing how. To help provide some guidance, our team has come up with seven frequently asked questions and created this blog series to help answer those questions.


1. What are the best ways radio stations can support your artists digitally and socially?

I think that radio can spend more time doing things that help listeners associate songs with artists. They are SO hyper focused on the message that they sometimes forget to help connect the fans with the artist and how to support their ministry beyond just listening. So many times we hear “I hear your song all the time on the radio and didn’t know that was you”. The artist’s ministry can be way more effective and grow further when people know who the artist is rather than just the songs.

Joey Rotella

2. How should social media managers go about obtaining photos to use on social media? Google images?

It differs by the artist but most managers have pre-approved photos for socials in Dropbox that they can share links to.

Joey Rotella

3. If a station has an idea for a particular artist, what’s the best way to go about making that happen?

I think the best thing is communicating it early with the manager, and making sure that all details are explained upfront and additional activities or ideas aren’t being added at the last minute. This helps with artist preparedness and logistics on our end.

Joey Rotella

4. Do you have any tips on making artists’ interviews different/more engaging for social?

Some of the best questions I’ve seen have come from people who have taken the time to follow the artist on social media, learn about their interests, and ask questions about their life in that moment rather than broad generic questions.

Joey Rotella

5. Do labels have designated social media/digital reps that social media/digital people from radio stations could connect with to brainstorm ideas or touch base with every so often to stay top of mind?

Some have social media teams, while others handle social media through management or a combo of both.

Joey Rotella

6. Is there any unique or different way new artists can be supported by radio stations socially/digitally?

This ties in with question 1 a bit as well. If there is specific effort and interest in growing CCM and the audience, highlighting new artists is key. There will be a point where the audience for early 2000s CCM hits on repeat will dwindle, and the new generation of listeners will be looking for artists that connect with them the same way the older songs did for us 20 years ago.

Joey Rotella

7. Any advice you’d like to give to the social media & digital managers of radio stations about working with labels?

I think being in tune with the human aspect of what artists do and being sensitive to that. What may be the only interview for that radio station on that day may also be interview 10-15 of the week for the artist. Having great questions and being up to date on what’s going on with them ahead of time will help break up the cycle of routine interviews and make it something unique and fun for them.

Joey Rotella

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