Is Facebook Pixel Retargeting Dead?

Also referred to as remarketing, retargeting allows stations to specifically target listeners who don’t initially convert to subscribed listeners to your website or streaming services. With millions of potential and existing listeners using Facebook, it’s an ideal platform for radio and businesses to use when looking to retarget or remarket their brand to them.

Suppose you’re thinking about using retargeting on Facebook, like Facebook Pixel, in your marketing campaigns. In that case, it’s essential to create or update your station’s privacy policy with listeners to let them know you’ll be using retargeting. Thanks to changes in the various federal and international Privacy Acts, new regulations require companies to have a privacy policy any time personally identifiable information is shared by users. For some, this has resulted in Facebook Pixel retargeting becoming an opt-in option instead of a crucial part of a marketing plan. This approach can take the wind out of the sails of an otherwise successful Facebook marketing campaign. 

By having an active Facebook account and installing Facebook Pixel, your brand can start using Facebook Pixel retargeting software to welcome back audiences. From inviting them to reach out to your station to asking them to tune into a specific show, you can target audiences across multiple platforms or choose a particular device like mobile. The team at KBM understands the importance of connecting your audiences to your content and your station’s brand. Retargeting is a helpful technique for marketing your brand, allowing stations to target already warm leads. It also involves personal data collection and, with that, brings an onslaught of possible legal ramifications. In the past, companies used tracking cookies to acquire new and reconnect with their audiences. However, with new privacy laws like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union (EU), or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Facebook users are now empowered to control their private information, including when visiting websites hosted by third parties. Before you get frustrated with Facebook, understand that these new laws are going to affect the entire digital world. So is retargeting dead? Keep reading. ?

Facebook’s new Conversion API

Fear not, Facebook has developed new strategic ways for you to connect and track audiences to your KPIs (Key Performance Indicator). With their new conversion API/Server-to-serve (S2S) tracking method, your brand and stations can once again send information and events right from your servers back to Facebook’s servers. This new option functions similar to Facebook Pixels by allowing companies to measure conversions and make optimization adjustments using Facebook Ad Manager. 

This fancy new API will allow brands to deliver online and offline signals back to Facebook, resulting in a more holistic way of measuring your advertising campaigns. With so much competition in the market, don’t let your station fall behind the curve. Getting on board with Facebook’s conversion API early on will help your brand stay on the pulse of digital marketing changes. 

As consumer privacy laws continue to evolve and become stricter, websites with third party tracking software will need to evolve as well. With browser tracking becoming harder to navigate, the Conversion API can help your company bypass many of these issues, making it a smoother process connecting critical information about your brand to audiences across all your social media marketing channels. 

Facebooks Official Protocol 

Facebook suggests that users configure events to use aggregated event measurements. This functionality limits domains to 8 conversion events you can use to optimize your campaigns. Initially, Facebook pre-assigns events based on what they feel matters most to your brand. This process is based on any recent campaigns you’ve run on their platform. By editing event configurations, you can decide which events will send data that is most beneficial for your business. Whichever filters you choose, Facebook recommends that you identify those that are the most essential to your brands marketing efforts. It can then better assess whether any changes need to be made to your campaigns and where you may want to optimize them to better your odds of funnel conversions to your content through link clicks or landing pages. 

As you can see, Facebook Pixel retargeting isn’t exactly dead—it’s just different. For now, the best approach is to follow their protocol and build in contingencies that will help you adjust your digital marketing approach when needed.

As digital platforms change and evolve, the best we can do is stay informed and plan accordingly.


To preserve your brand’s integrity and protect your listener’s data, you’ll need to determine if Facebook Pixel retargeting is the right option for your business. The Killer Bee Marketing team is here to give you the knowledge and confidence you’ll need to take on the digital world without getting stung by new privacy laws.

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