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Casting Vision to Change More Lives Across Digital Platforms

Christian broadcasting isn’t just about spreading information or gaining likes and shares. It’s about changing lives. In this blog, I’m going to share some insights based on my friend’s (Zach Clark) article, “Casting Vision for Lives Changed.

Beyond Content Creation

When we talk about digital marketing missions, most of us have heard that content that adds value is key. Yes, valuable content can connect and change lives, but it’s not just content that changes lives. How you connect and stay connected with each person is part of that equation too. These days you can’t ignore the truth that people can tell if you’re showing up to be seen or if you’re showing up for them. 

“Vision for a ministry organization should move people forward to accomplish great things. The vision cannot be about the organization. It has to be about the results of the organization.”

Zach Clark

3 Ways to Show Up For Them

  1. Awareness: Understand your audience. Who are they? What are their struggles, challenges, concerns and aspirations? Tailor your content to meet them where they are.
  2. Reflection: Continuously evaluate your content’s impact. Is it aligning with your mission? Are you seeing lives touched and transformed? Pay attention to comments and inbox messages.
  3. Transformation: Use insights and analytics to understand what content resonates most with your audience. This can help you become more aware of deeper things your audience is going through. Then adjust your content to ensure it remains relevant and impactful for the season your audience is living out today.

Measuring Impact Over Reach

“We often see organizations who are sharing numbers but not sharing about the lives changed as a result. As a result, donors are disengaged.”

Zach Clark

Metrics in digital marketing can easily become a rabbit hole, especially if you don’t know what metrics matter. As Christian broadcasters, focus on the impact rather than the reach. More reach doesn’t equal greater impact. Greater impact will take more work, more time, and intentional connections. But, in the long run it will lead to a loyal community that trusts you, and trust can lead to more lives changed. I think we also have to be okay with not always seeing the lives changed. Below are a few ways you can start earning trust with people across digital.

3 Ways to Earn Trust

  1. Engage Authentically: Respond to comments and messages with care and empathy. Don’t make the conversation about you either, this will show your audience that you value their engagement and them.
  2. Don’t Be The Hero:  Don’t turn a public comment into a teaching pedestal. This is not the place to be the hero. Show compassion, ask more questions and look for opportunities to take the conversation to the private feed, when possible.
  3. Stay Connected: Look for ways to stay connected. For example, maybe someone shares they’re stepping into a new job or are going through a hard season in life. Let them know you’ll be praying for them (and do). Set a reminder and reach back out to those individuals. I’d recommend doing so in a private feed (e.g., inbox or DM), but if you can’t, respond back to their original comment on social media.

The Bigger Picture: Digital Marketing Missions

I’ve learned that approaching digital platforms as a digital mission field changes the way we view the work we do across digital platforms. My hope is that this blog will motivate and remind us all to create content and build connections that go beyond traditional marketing goals and focus on lives changed. After all, it can lead to eternal impact.

Our team at Killer Bee, we believe what we do is more than marketing, it’s a mission. Christian broadcasters, together let’s move beyond the noise and nonsense, casting a vision for lives changed through every post, video, and interaction. If you’d like to discuss ways you can use digital more effectively, feel free to schedule a call with me! Before you go, take some time to reflect on the questions below as well.

Questions For You To Reflect On

  • How is your content making a difference in people’s lives?
  • Does your approach align with your mission or someone else’s?
  • Are there changes you need to make to ensure you’re using digital tools more effectively to see more lives changed?

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