4 Tips For Social Media Engagement

Engagement is now more important than ever. Consumers are tired of faceless brands, and  are craving a more personalized experience. They demand a genuine connection with people instead of brands, whereas several years ago a connection with a brand was a bonus it is now an expectation. In this blog, we’ll talk about four tips to help you increase your social media engagement. 

1. Have an engagement plan

This may sound like a silly step, but sometimes engagement is overlooked and an intentional plan can help you make it a priority. It’s crucial to assess the time you can allocate for engagement within your schedule or designate responsible team members for this task.

Define your engagement goals—whether you value answering comments, thanking people who share, or other interactions. Just as consistency is vital in posting, maintaining a regular and consistent approach to engagement is equally vital.

2. Engage specifically for each social media platform 

Sharing on Facebook significantly impacts the algorithm, whereas on Instagram, sharing to stories or encouraging people to save posts is important. In both platforms, comments play a crucial role in getting your content in more peoples’ feeds. On Twitter or “X” platform, the focus is on garnering retweets. Be sure you are learning each platform individually and engaging in the best way for each platform. Many times, different language in the text accompanying your post is beneficial.

3. Be authentic

As you engage, consider initiating a conversation with an individual commenter. When they respond, think about a question you can ask in return to sustain and foster that engagement loop. Think of your engagement as more than just a way to impact the algorithm…you can actually build relationships that will keep that person coming back to your page because they value your content and feel valued by you! Imagine how you would feel if a person/business you loved started a conversation with you on social media and go from there! There’s a person on the other side of that keyboard.

4. Go the extra mile 

Imagine yourself in your followers’ position. What sparks their excitement? What matters to them? Think about having your team send personalized messages to new followers, addressing them by name. You don’t always have to wait for your followers to come to you; you can also reach out to them. That’s the great thing about your feeds, you can comment on your followers’ posts! This creates an immensely personal experience for the individual.

These strategies emphasize the importance of genuine, personalized engagement and the need for brands to actively participate in conversations with their audience across different social media platforms.

If you are struggling with where to start or feel overwhelmed with engagement, we’re here for you! Contact our team and set up a meeting to see how Killer Bee Marketing can help improve engagement. 

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