6 Quick Ways to Stay Engaged on Social Media When You’re Busy

A common thing we hear from clients is, “I don’t have time to engage on social media,” and we get it; you might not have the time to constantly monitor your company’s social media channels for comments and questions. However, it’s important to stay engaged with your customers and followers, lest they think you’re ignoring them. That’s why planning how you’ll manage social media conversations is important. Some businesses create automated response systems that allow them to provide initial responses quickly. Additionally, having a strategy for responding to negative comments can help improve public relations. Here are six quick ways to keep the engagement moving, even when you’re short on time.

Six Ways to Stay Engaged

1. Schedule regular check-ins. Set aside 10-15 minutes daily to quickly scroll through your company’s social media feeds. This way, you can reply to any comments or questions that have come in overnight or over the weekend.

2. Use automation wisely. Automation can be your best friend, but it should be used sparingly and only for tasks that don’t require a human touch (such as sharing blog posts or promoting new products).

3. Delegate responsibility. Don’t try to do everything yourself—it’s impossible! Delegate some responsibility for monitoring social media comments and questions to your team members. They’ll be happy to help out, which will significantly lighten your load.

4. Respond in a timely manner. If you see a comment or question that needs a response, try to reply as quickly as possible. The sooner you reply, the better—customers and followers appreciate prompt responses.

5. Be personal. Whenever possible, add a personal touch to your responses, and this could be anything from using the customer’s name to adding an emoji at the end of your response or commenting on one of their posts.

6. Keep it positive. No one likes a Debbie Downer, so try to keep your responses positive and upbeat—even if the customer is angry or upset about something.

Stay Engaged & Nurture Your Customer Relations

Even if you’re short on time, staying engaged with your customers and followers on social media is important. Following the tips above, you can quickly and easily reply to comments and questions—without neglecting your other responsibilities.

Remember, a business that doesn’t engage with its followers isn’t likely to be successful digitally. Staying engaged on social media is essential for building customer relationships, so don’t let it fall by the wayside.

If your business is seeking help with social media engagement, don’t hesitate to contact us. We specialize in doing the heavy lifting for you, allowing you to focus on other important tasks. Contact us today to learn more about getting a KILLER social media strategy and help executing that strategy.

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