matches and one burnt out

5 Signs You Might Be Burnt Out On Social Media

Are you burnt out on Social Media? If you really took the time to think this through, what would your answer be? In this article, we are going to discuss some of the symptoms of Social Media burn out that you may not even realized were part of it. 

What is Social Media burnout? The actual definition of Social media burnout is a condition or syndrome where individuals experience emotional and mental exhaustion due to the prolonged use of social media platforms. 

Here are 5 signs to look out for in yourself and team members. 

1. Feeling overwhelmed 

When you sit down at your desk to start your day do you feel almost like you’re drowning? The constant scrolling and flooding of information can leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. 

2. Feeling Stuck or having no motivation when it comes to creating content. 

One of the many reasons that someone works in Social Media is because they love being creative, coming up with new ideas and hitting post and watching your followers enjoy your content right? 

If the work that you’re doing has started to make you feel bored, or it feels like a chore, this could be a huge red flag that you are getting burnt out. 

3. Feeling cynical

You might start to experience an overwhelming feeling of negativity towards Social Media. Losing interest in engaging with your followers or even wondering if what you do on Social Media is even worth it. You could also start to lose interest in social media platforms that you used to really enjoy. 

4. Decreased Productivity

When you used to be able to crank out tons of content in a short amount of time you might be struggling with even putting out one simple piece of content. It may be hard for you to concentrate and again that feeling of being overwhelmed and exhaustion leads to decreased productivity. 

5. Physical Symptoms 

You might be experiencing irritability, headaches, vision problems from constantly staring at a screen. You may have trouble sleeping or just have been so wrapped up in Social Media that you haven’t been taking very good care of your health overall. Maybe you’ve been been feeling lonely because you’ve been so wrapped in Social Media that you haven’t had the time to actually enjoy time with people in person. 


If you are or someone on your team is experiencing one or more of these symptoms, do not feel ashamed. The good news is more people are realizing that Social Media burnout is a real thing and it’s affecting a lot of people. If it’s a team member of yours don’t be afraid to sit down and talk with them about what you’re noticing. 

Just because you may be feeling some of these things now, it doesn’t mean it will always be this way. Be sure to come back and check out next month’s blog post as I’ll be giving 5 ways to help you with your Social Media burnout. 

As always, we’re here to help. Schedule a consultation with our CEO, Brian to see how we can serve you and your team.

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